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A New Book In Progress

Essential Concepts for Graphics Development

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Seminar Materials

Real Spherical Harmonics Table

Spherical Harmonics: Derivation of the Analytic Form

Prism & Pyramid

The reason why the volume of a pyramid is one-third of that of a prism

Exponents & Logarithms

Assumptions of Exponents and Logarithms

Conic Sections #3


Conic Sections #2


Conic Sections #1


Conic Sections

Curves obtained from a cone’s surface intersecting a plane

Perspective Transformation

Image distortion and perspective adjustment technique used in computer vision and graphics

Camera Calibration Pattern

How to generate a calibration pattern image for both Chessboard and ChArUco


Simple PCA example using NumPy

Proof of PCA

Why eigenvectors of a covariance matrix become principal component axes

C# with C++ (DLL) in Unity

How to use a C++ DLL in Unity’s C# code

Stereo Camera Calibration

It is the process of aligning two cameras and correcting any distortions to achieve precise depth perception.

Maya Context

Maya context is a UI element in Autodesk Maya

How to set up Git on Linux

Git is a version control system for software development

Hash Table

It stores key-value pairs with fast access but collisions may occur.

C++ 3D Point & Vector Class

Making C++ 3D Point & Vector Class compatible with Eigen and OpenCV

C++ Image Class

Making C++ Image class based on OpenCV

nvidia-smi vs nvcc -V

How nvidia-smi differs from nvcc -V

How to install Dlib on Linux

Dlib is a C++ library used for computer vision, image processing, and machine learning applications, providing functionalities such as face detection and facial landmark recognition.

How to enable C++17 in your MSVC CUDA project

The way to use C++17 in your MSVC CUDA project

VC Property Manager

How to inherit project environment settings in Visual Studio

NDK (Nuke Developer Kit)

NUKE NDK is a collection of developer tools that can be used in the digital compositing software NUKE.

OpenGL Z-buffer Fighting Problem

OpenGL’s Z-buffer can cause objects to render improperly when overlapping due to the nearly same Z-values.

Cube Root of Unity

The root of unity is a number which is complex in nature and gives 1 if raised to the power of a positive integer n.

Conjugate Roots

A conjugate pair of roots refers to two complex roots of a polynomial with opposite imaginary parts.

Quadratic Formula

It provides the solution(s) to a quadratic equation.

Properties of Quadratic Equations

Several Important facts about quadratic equations

Compiling on Windows in a Linux-like fashion

MinGW is Unix-like toolchain for C/C++ on Windows.

Linux Memory Mechanism

Some information gleaned from the web about memory usage mechanisms in Linux

Which GPU for Deep Learning

Graphics Card Buying Guide for Deep Learning

(negative) x (negative) = (positive)

Why is a negative times a negative positive?

Maya Viewport 2.0

Viewport 2.0 is the viewport and hardware renderer in Maya.

OpenCV & Ceres Solver

A Journey to Install OpenCV & Ceres Solver on Windows

Angular Fisheye Image

Angular Fisheye Image Mapping: from 3D point to pixel

物理數學의 直觀的方法

“物理數學의 直觀的方法 : 난해한 수학적 중요개념들의 간략화” 中에서

Pixar USD

How to install Pixar’s USD on Windows

My 1st Published Book

Elementary Mathematics Concept Summary

Mirror Reflection

Why does a mirror reverse left and right?


Degrees of Freedom is the number of independent parameters that define its configuration or state.

OpenCV findHomography()

A minor issue in OpenCV’s findHomography() function

Maya XGen API

How to get control vertex positions in Maya XGen Interactive

Sphere: Area and Volume

Finding the surface area and volume of a sphere without using integrals

Archimedes’ HatBox Theorem

Relationship between the surface area of ​​a sphere and a cylinder

Closed Form

Closed Form vs Open Form


Why does OpenCV use BGR and not RGB?

Binomial Theorem

Binomial theorem (or binomial expansion) describes the algebraic expansion of powers of a binomial.

Pascal's Triangle

Pascal’s triangle is a triangular array of the binomial coefficients.

Math Renderer

How do I change Math Renderer for MathJax?

A New Book In Progress

Essential Concepts for Graphics Development


Seminar Materials

The 1st Post

This is my first post in my new blog.